Allow me to Introduce Myself

 The year is 2020. Every mediocre white man decides he needs to start a podcast.  And all the basic bitches need a blog.

It's me. I'm the basic bitch. But I've always loved blogging. I ran a semi successful blog in high school. I had 7 followers and wrote a post about how much I hated working at Wegmans and how I wouldn't be sad if it burnt down, and got FIRED for the first (and only) time ever because of it. So I am sort of a big deal. 

Anyway. 2020 really tried me this year. It started fine, started getting dicey, got really really bad, got even worse, and at one point I was the lowest I've ever felt. My grandfather dying in the middle of a pandemic (not from Covid) pushed me to the edge. I ended up in a very dark place, that I had sort of been slowly gravitating towards for a couple years now. And to be honest, I just totally and completely felt like shit.

Then one day I realized I was tired of feeling that way. I think that was about mid-late September. I drew on my grandfather as inspiration to start taking care of myself again, and to remember to enjoy life and find new passions. 

So I went from silently crying myself to sleep every night and just engaging in the worst self deprecating humor to listening to personal development podcasts, working out every morning, and actually waking up happy. I've started utilizing essential oils (omg, I know!!) but they've been incredible. I've decided to start switching out a lot of my products for toxin-free ones, taking supplements, and really taking care of my entire self - body and soul. 

As wild as it sounds, I am actually ending 2020 in the best condition I've been in a very long time. And that is so exciting for me! I decided to start a blog because I've been journaling a lot (and I've always been an avid tweeter) but I feel like I need a new way to word vomit all over. Even if only one person reads my blog, I'll take it.

My main ideas for this blog will be me talking about the new things I am trying (or.. discovering, if you will), my fitness/health journey, book reviews, tv/movie reviews, and something I've been thinking on for a while: "Word of the Week" which will be me every Sunday picking a new positive leaning word. Then, that week, I will be mindful of looking for examples of that in my every day life, and also acting on that word to spread whichever word I've chosen that week. 

I am excited to be excited and if I can make even one person happier by just talking about how I am currently navigating life, I think that would be pretty dang cool. 

(I never know how to end a blog post??? xoxo gossip girl??)

ps. the only person allowed to give me grammar feedback is olivia, who incidentally may be the only one reading. 


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