New Year, New...
(Don't say "me", it's as cringeworthy as your coworker saying "see you next year!" when you leave work on NYE.... which I’ve done before)
BUT - I do think the New Year is a great way to set yourself up for:
- New intentions
- New habits
- New goals
- New boundaries
- New priorities
Sometimes, I want to make certain changes but I keep putting it off. For me, and maybe you can relate, it's always "ah, next week" and then that week turns into a month, and suddenly I've done nothing I wanted to get done. I am a world class procrastinator, and I think it’s because I’m afraid to fail at anything I try. Whether it’s learning a new skill, or just challenging myself.
Using the New Year as a starting point can be good though! I don't think setting stereotypical New Years Resolutions in general are always the best, because I think most of us half ass those commitments or just pick something to pretend to have one. For me, setting a goal for the whole year isn't really sustainable most of the time either. I need more short term goals, or the long term goal has to have plenty of small victories along the way to keep me interested (or not be way too far from what I am already doing). Example: reading. I try to set a reading goal every year. I did 12 for 2020 (and reached it, first time I’ve stuck with it for a whole year!) This works as a long term goal because I get to put a check next to it as I go, every time I finish 1 book. It makes it so much easier to reach that goal, because every time I finish a book, I know I am one step closer to my bigger goal. Now, this year, I am upping that to 20 books. It's more than last year, but not so far ahead that it seems too ridiculous.
So even though I don’t set resolutions, I do have some goals and intentions for the new year. The biggest things I am going to work on for myself with this new year is making sure I am spending my time on things and people that are truly serving me. My time and energy are mine to give away, and I am in complete control of what and who I give them to. As an enneagram 2 (which, if you haven't tested yourself - GO! So helpful in figuring out why you act and react certain ways) I am a helper - so one thing I have to do is remind myself it's okay to say no to people, events, etc. Reminding myself it's NOT selfish to focus on myself and my needs above others. I have struggled with this for basically my entire life, I stretch myself way too thin helping others and don’t leave enough time for myself. But I’ve already made progress, just by acknowledging it’s what I struggle with.
I want to continue improving my overall health this year, too. Which seems very cliche I know. But it’s more than just “joining a new gym in January” type of health goal. Switching to toxin free products is a task I am slowly working on, in addition to working out and getting back to healthier eating habits. As cheesy as it sounds, working on my mind, body, and soul all at the same time has been extremely therapeutic. They are all so interconnected, that it honestly just makes sense to work on them all at the same time anyway.
When you sit down to figure out what you want to get out of this year, I would suggest actually physically writing it out. I journal daily. Sometimes it's 3 sentences, sometimes 3 pages. Sometimes it’s just random words, other times it’s memories, occasionally it’s almost like poetry. I really cannot recommend it enough, it helps to clear my head and sort through my thoughts. Especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed or indecisive. If you are serious about making changes I would also suggest a personal development podcast. My favorite podcaster (Kacia Fitzgerald- EmpowerHER) always says "you're the only one who's going to be with you for the rest of your life" so you really do owe it to yourself to become the best version of YOU that you can be.
I was going to wait until after midnight to post this but even though it’s an hour away, my bed is calling me.
So, to anyone reading this, I truly wish you a FULFILLING and growth filled New Year
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