Saturday Thought Dump

Just a quick post: This past week was.... crazy for lack of a better word. I mean, the first full week after the new year is always kind of chaotic, at least internally, for me. But wow. This week really outdid itself, didn't it? At least I finally got my stimulus check. 

Thankfully, I already had a pre-scheduled guided meditation zoom class for this morning at 9am. I also skipped my normal workout and opted for yoga this morning. Following the meditation class, which my sister had invited me to, me and her did a little zoom coffee date too. It really set my weekend off in the right direction. 

I love how much clearer my mind feels. Meditation really is a useful tool that we don't use often enough. I find it very grounding. Especially to start a weekend, it's like hitting a reset button on my brain. I had a busy week at work (but in a good way!) and was reminded of why I love my job and the people I work with. I know how lucky I am for that. 

Also funny: part of the guided meditation was imagining a flower, and the teacher mentioned "perhaps you find yourself in a meadow" and because I hadn't meditated in awhile, it was harder to focus than normal. At the mention of meadow my mind immediately went to the Twilight meadow scene and I had to keep getting myself back on track. The recent Twilight resurgence has been amazing and I cannot get enough of the memes. 

During my zoom coffee date with my sister we just chatted and laughed - a lot - and I was just thinking about how lately I have genuinely been trying to be more present and not be on my phone and social media, etc, all the time. But I was thinking that without zoom I wouldn't be able to do these coffee dates with her since she lives 2 hours away. We decided to make this a weekly thing, and I am so grateful that we are able to do it. I definitely want to keep trying to be more present and less "offline" if you will - but I can't deny how useful it can be for us. 

ANYWAY: through this entire week I was just reminded how important it is to take care of ourselves and our minds. Especially when things out of our control are happening. I am doing a fitness/health challenge with 2 of my friends and that was tested this week - all I wanted was pizza! But I finally made it to cheat day and am looking forward to a beer and greasy food with a friend later tonight. 

Looking Forward: picking another word of the week for tomorrow and recapping the previous word of the week, reviewing the book I just read, and a review of the Taylor Swift Long Pond Sessions from Disney+

I just want to remind everyone to make yourself a priority, now more than ever. You owe it to yourself to take care of YOU. Take the time to unwind and do something that makes you feel good every day. Even the smallest amount of self care can truly make a difference in how you feel. 

Enjoy your weekend! 


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