So I wanted to start a "word of the week" as a way to pick a positive word, and be mindful of it through out the week. You know how when you get a new car, suddenly you feel like every single person drives that car?? The same amount of people are driving that type of car that have been, but you're just more aware, so you see it more. The same concept applies here. By actively thinking of this word, I will be able to not only be able to make sure I am giving enough of it out into the world, but I think I will be surprised by how much is already around me. So, for week one: Kindness
I started with kindness for a couple reasons, the first one being that it's easy. Kindness is a simple concept. I think kindness does go a little deeper than just being nice but it's a start. It's also a word that I can easily spread, not just to others but also to myself. I can't think of a better way to start of the year than by just spreading and acknowledging kindness.
We teach children to be kind, which is funny because from my experience, most children are naturally much kinder than most adults are. I am not sure what it is, but as we grow up we tend to forget how powerful simple acts of kindness can be. I was always reminded of this when I worked at a nursing home for almost 6 years. My residents would be so beyond thankful for things that I didn't think were anything special. But most of them felt extremely vulnerable, and just me being kind made such a huge difference to them. It could be the difference between them having a good or bad day, just one simple act of kindness in the morning. It was one of the most important lessons I learned from my time working there, and something I've maybe forgotten a little in the years since I left that job.
Kindness comes in many forms. It could be actually complimenting someone, holding a door open, being patient with someone, gift giving, the possibilities are really endless.
So, if anyone is reading this, I challenge you to be more mindful of kindness this week. Both in your own actions, trying to make sure you are being kind to strangers and friends alike (and yourself!). But also, I bet you can notice others being kind, more than you’ve noticed before. Whether their kindness is directed towards you or someone else, when you witness it, it is infectious.
Challenge accepted! ESPECIALLY trying to be kinder to myself.