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Word of the Week: Present

What does it mean to be present? For me, that means completely being in the moment with someone. Paying attention, listening, being fully  there both physically mentally . It is so easy to forget to be present in a world so dominated by technology. How often is "quality" time with others just you all sharing the same space while on your phones? I so often find myself "checking" something (twitter, facebook, etc), only to realize I've been mindlessly scrolling for an hour. The same could be said, though, for when I sit in bed and read my book for 2 hours at night while my boyfriend sits here watching tv and youtube videos simultaneously somehow. That's fine to do some times, but I need to make sure I put in more effort to have actual present time with him some nights.  And that isn't to say that technology actually can't help us. I had an almost 2 hour FaceTime yesterday with my good friend Liv. She lives in LA currently and I haven't seen her in ...

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